Stand Up Composite and Anchor


Product Overview

Tree Stand Up Composite / Anchor

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SKU: tsup0017

The Tree Stand Up / Anchor Combo – A simple way to get that ladder stand up. Tree Stand Up is a useful tool used to aid in quickly and easily elevating ladder tree stands. This unique tool creates a pivot point from the ladder legs to the ground, eliminating the dreaded kick out as the user attempts to elevate their stand. This product is THE ladder stand accessory!

  • Lightweight and Reusable!
  • Can be hammered into hard soil

Tree Stand Up – Anchor A safer, more secure climb! This Anchor helps holds your ladder against the tree, helping prevent accidents during your ascent to secure your ladder stand to the tree. Just ratchet the Anchor to tree and attach a strap to ladder rung before erecting. The top oval allows strap to be back fed, for an easier way to lower the stand!


Note: offers additional security, not intended to be the sole method by which stand is secured to tree.

Legal Disclaimer – TREE STAND UP


Disclaimer: Donlon Enterprises LLC is not responsible for any injury resulted from the misuse of the Tree Stand Up. While the Tree Stand Up provides extra stability and ease for raising a tree stand when used properly, it does not guarantee that injuries will not occur if not used correctly. Stands must always be placed on firm, level ground and extreme caution must be used when raising them; the Tree Stand Up will not prevent injuries resulted from poor technique and improper ladder placement. Raising tree stands can be dangerous; however, the proper use of the Tree Stand Up is meant to mitigate such danger.

Legal Disclaimer – Anchor


Use extreme caution when using this product Disclaimer: Donlon Enterprises LLC is not responsible for any bodily injury or property damage resulting from the misuse of the Anchor. When properly used, Anchor provides extra stability when installing a ladder stand. It does not guarantee that injuries or property damage will not occur. Extreme caution must always be used when raising/installing a ladder stand. This product is to be used in ADDITION to tree stand manufacturer’s installation recommendations. Erecting/installing and using tree stands can be dangerous; however, the proper use of the Anchor is meant to mitigate such danger.

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